You can live more joyfully and authentically by creating a life of meaning and purpose.
We can help you do so.
While we are human-beings and not human-doings, we all want to be ‘doing’ something we love, something that makes us feel good about ourselves, something worthwhile.
We want to get out of bed in the morning knowing that what we’re going to do today matters.
We want to feel alive and inspired. We want to have purpose and live a meaningful life.
Giving your heart and soul to the things that matter, the things you love doing, and the people you love doing them with, is where you find greater meaning.
Meaning answers the question Why? in your life. You can pursue pleasure and distraction till the cows come home, but it’s only when you decide you want to live a purposeful life, in a way that resonates with your deepest values, with a real sense of who you are, that you truly begin to come alive.
We understand and we’re here to help. Our coaching and online courses will transform your life, helping you find meaning and purpose that really make a difference to you and those around you.

Alive with purpose™
A self-guided online course to help you design your new future.
Start uncomplicating your life now. People who have clear sense of purpose live happier, longer, healthier lives. But studies show that only 1 in 4 people know their purpose! Unbelievable, but true.
Knowing your purpose in life is one of the single most effective ways to live a life that matters, that lights you up and inspires you.
At Greater Meaning we believe everyone should be able to clearly articulate their purpose in life. It makes everything so much easier.
Change is accelerating and the future is uncertain.
One of the huge benefits of purpose is that it allows you to surf the winds of change because you have a centre that is unwavering, but adaptable. Knowing your purpose is like having your own True North - providing clarity and direction, like an aspirational guide for your life. It helps you know what you want, and what you don’t. It keeps you on a path towards realizing your potential, making sense of who you are as a whole person, and how to show up in the world.
Live longer, make more money and sleep better at night.
As supported by science, the benefits and outcomes of living a life of purpose are astonishing. People who know their purpose tend to lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. These are just a few of the good reasons why you really need to know your purpose in life!
So what are you waiting for?
Do the one thing certain to transform your life into one of meaning and joy.
You’re not alone ….
We all need help at various times in our lives when we face trauma or experience unexpected change. But as technology, culture and the economy rapidly evolve owing to forces beyond our immediate control, a coach is a more valuable asset than ever.
Our one-on-one coaching program provides a safe haven where you can share your fears and concerns, and get the guidance and support you need. We will guide you towards finding and fulfilling your purpose, helping you get past any roadblocks which might be holding you back. Together, we will create new possibilities for you and a new way of being that will brighten your future and provide a clear way forward.
What others are saying …
“Reconnected with who I really am”
"The years with Covid made the lines between work and home increasingly blurred. I was definitely getting caught up in a never-ending daily routine. This course gave me the chance to slow down and turn my focus inward. I needed that. By exploring my life more fully, my core values, and identifying my passions and gifts, I became reconnected with who I really am and what really matters most to me."
~ Sam J
“Gave me a new perspective”
"If you don't know where you're going in life, this course is a great place to figure that out! I thought I had a fairly good idea where I was headed, but It gave me the tools to focus on getting there even faster. And now I also have a new perspective on my journey of self-discovery."
~ Matt S
“Great for couples to do together!”
"We really enjoyed taking this course as a couple. An enlightening process! With an element of accountability, we were able to explore new ideas together and support each other in the process. We discovered new aspects of ourselves and each other - a great way to explore new depths of our relationship and better understand our differences. I think we got to love each other a little bit more in this course. Thanks for that!"
~ Dan & Kerri J