Purpose @ Work for Employees
Making your work meaningful
More and more employees are exploring new ways to make life at work more fulfilling.
Many employees are quitting their jobs to look for something better, while others are taking the time to rethink what they want in their worklife, often by “quiet quitting”. More than ever today’s employees want their work to be engaging and fulfilling beyond just the pay-cheque. They want a bigger WHY.
Purpose is now front and centre in conversations about the future of work. This is true for both organizations and individuals. While companies have been grappling with their bigger WHY questions for quite some time, for many employees, figuring out their WHY has not been so obvious or straightforward.
While many might not be using those precise terms—meaning and purpose—more and more employees are looking to work for a greater sense of wellbeing, connection, and fulfillment. They want an expanded sense of purpose in their worklife.
Finding your purpose – YourWHY@Work
If, like many employees today, you are re-evaluating your worklife beyond just making a living, you may also be clarifying what really matters to you and redefining your vision for a better future for yourself, possibly your family, and hopefully the planet.
If this is you, then it’s time to consider your purpose at work:
Are you looking for more from your employer than just a pay-cheque?
Are you looking to make your time at work more enjoyable and fulfilling?
Do you want to work for an organization that cares about more things than just profit?
Are you looking for an employer who supports the wellbeing of you, your colleagues, and the wider community?
The purpose pyramid
Using our proprietary Six Dimensions of Purpose™ framework, we help employees like you uncover and clarify your own WHY@Work and articulate what you really need in order to feel fulfilled at work.
Getting to YourWHY@Work
If you want to explore what motivates you at work, clarify your reasons for working, and why you work where you do, YourWHY@Work Self-Assessment is the place to start. It’s an easy way to figure out what you really want from your worklife and what’s missing for you.
This online self-assessment tool helps you better understand your motivations for working and allows you to better articulate your own purpose at work. It measures what’s really important to you and how well you think your employer is meeting your needs.
The synergy of purpose alignment
At Greater Meaning, we also assist organizations to better understand their employees’ motivations. Applying the Six Dimensions of Purpose™ framework to both employers and employees allows companies to align purpose throughout the organization.
Finding ways for each to support the other in pursuit of their purpose builds greater fulfillment and alignment for all concerned. As an employee, once you clarify your purpose at work and find that your organization’s purpose also aligns and supports yours, you create a powerful synergy for not just a healthy culture at work, but also a greater sense of belonging and fulfillment.
By empowering employee and organizational self-awareness of purpose, we help reveal new and different ways to approach and solve problems and, most importantly, achieve mutually beneficial goals.