Alive with Purpose


What’s Included …

This self-paced online program takes you on a deep dive into the Six Dimensions of Purpose where you will discover the many ways that purpose shapes your life. This transformational experience will change your way of being so that you can realize your full potential and live a life of purpose and meaning.


  • Lifetime Access to our 3-part course - Alive with Purpose – including videos, presentations, interactive and downloadable worksheets, and self-reflection exercises.  This is a multi-dimensional guided adventure of self-discovery at your own pace, so that you can explore your true self and find your own unique intrinsic purpose.

  • Membership in our exclusive Greater Meaning community gives you direct access to our private Members Portal, including the online course, additional resources, and bonus material.

  • 100% Money back guarantee – If, after completing the program (including all exercises, assignments, and worksheets), you are not completely satisfied with your experience, let us know within 30 days and you will receive a full refund.


Q: How do I know this is a good fit for me?

Alive with Purpose reveals your purpose in life through a guided journey of self-discovery, analysis, and reflection. It’s a journey only you can take. Because it’s all about your life, the course is naturally a perfect fit. 

Q: What if I already have an idea of what my purpose is - do I really need this course?

Your purpose in life is an overarching theme that is probably already showing up in various ways. Alive with Purpose can help you clarify exactly what that overarching theme is, and how you can use it to create a more directed, meaningful, and satisfying life.

Q: How soon can I get access to the course after payment?

Once your credit card payment has been accepted, you will receive an email from containing a link to the Greater Meaning Members Portal where you can access the course right away.

Q: Can I take this course on my mobile phone?

All course material is accessible via mobile devices in video, text, and PDF format. However, you will need a larger device – laptop, tablet, or desktop – to more easily complete the interactive worksheets.

Q: How much time and effort is involved?

As Alive with Purpose is a self-paced, self-guided course, you can take a much time as you wish to view the lessons and complete the exercises. We recommend not rushing, as this is about you uncovering and analyzing many aspects of your life.  To ensure optimal results, we recommend you allow plenty of time for contemplation and self-reflection. If you spend 3 to 5 hours per week on the course, you should easily finish in a few short weeks. Plan on spending 1 to 2 hours viewing lessons and the remaining time completing exercises, which often require writing and reflecting on various aspects of your life. The more time you spend in personal analysis and reflection the better.  

Q: What if I don’t get the results I expect?

Greater Meaning offers a money-back guarantee. If you finish the course, including accessing all the content and completing all the exercises and do not have a firm sense of your purpose in life by the end of it, we will give you a 100% refund within 30 days of finishing the course. Please read our Purposeful Guarantee for full details.

Q: How often can I access the course content?

You can access the lessons and view the videos as many times as you wish. Some lessons contain a fair amount of theory and concepts regarding the nature of purpose and how purpose shapes your life. You may wish to view some lessons more than once to grasp the full implications for understanding your life.