Existential Purpose
Dimension 4 : Existential Purpose
Many of us, but certainly not all, are highly motivated to excel at work and even go beyond normal expectations to achieve things that stand out and are earn the recognition of others.
Existential purpose is about striving to be your best, achieving great things, showing leadership, and receiving recognition and awards for your accomplishments. It’s considered existential because it's a core part of your self identity—how you see yourself as an active agent in the workplace, working hard, taking charge of your destiny, stepping up to the plate, taking on challenges, striving for success.
If your highest Purpose Score, or one of your highest, is in the 4th dimension, then you are most likely highly career-driven. Success is important to you and you understand that to achieve success requires you to be the best you can be and earn the recognition and rewards that come from great effort. You accept the challenges that come your way and overcome them.
While your motivation to excel and the fire that lights you up comes from within, you likely also appreciate the external validation and esteem that you get from others. So while fame and personal glory is limited to the context of your work (some occupations provide more opportunities than others), realizing that the drive for personal excellence is important to you is highly informative of YourWHY@Work.
Our culture traditionally holds Existential Purpose as the highest aspiration for worklife. It’s about success in the conventional sense, having a well-paid job with social status that affords you the material luxuries of modern life and all the trappings of a successful career, whether it be an expensive home, a fancy car, or exotic vacations.
But as important as material success is, you may feel there is more to be achieved in your worklife than status and financial gain. Indeed, the 5th and 6th dimensions of purpose open the possibility for deeper, more profound levels of engagement and meaning in your worklife. You may wish to review those dimensions to see to what extent they may already be calling you to step up and expand your successful career to play a bigger game and make a positive impact in the world.