Is purpose in life a choice, or destiny?
What would give you more anxiety, or alternatively, peace of mind?
1) That your purpose in life is a choice that you make or, 2) that your life purpose has already been made for you?
Interesting question, eh? I mean there’s a real burden if it’s all up to you, and you alone, to create a purpose in life that makes you feel that your life is fulfilling and significant.
But if it’s a purpose that has been given to you, whether by your genetics, family, society, religious destiny, or simply life circumstances, then what if you don’t actually want that purpose? How free are you to chart a different direction?
There seems to be a destiny component in our life purpose. If my life purpose was to play beautiful music that uplifts humanity, but my musical IQ was something close to zero, then that wouldn’t make much sense.
Alternatively, if I decided that my purpose in life was to be a musician, but in reality I was simply awful at it, then that wouldn’t make much sense either. Nevertheless, there is the satisfaction of being true to yourself and your desires.
Perhaps purpose is a combination of the two, destiny and choice?
Your purpose in life would certainly benefit if it was a reflection of your unique talents and abilities. So maybe in that sense it is given to you? But do you choose a purpose that reflects your unique talents and abilities, or do your unique talents and abilities define your purpose? Or, at a minimum, lay out the horizon of possibilities? So, a bit of both.
At Greater Meaning we think that’s the case. Purpose in life is actually a rich interwoven tapestry of the many ways that life has shaped you, and that you have shaped your life. That is why we created the Six Dimensions of Purpose to reflect the complex reality of how and where purpose actually shows up in your life.
Purpose, it turns out, is everywhere in life because you have multiple long-term intentions and goals, from staying healthy and happy, to having good friends, to being successful, to experiencing the wonder and awe of simply being alive.
All these combine to give your life richness, significance, and meaning.
Getting purpose right is the path to true happiness, for yourself and those you care about. The Six Dimensions of Purpose lays out the path to do so.