Survival Purpose


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Dimension 1 : Survival Purpose


This most fundamental dimension of purpose corresponds to the essential reasons for working that are foundational—making a living so you can obtain the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, clothing and good health, while generating security, and feeling safe in the world. 

Survival purpose often extends beyond the self to include family and any others you need to care for. Whether it’s paying the rent, or putting food on the table, whomever you take responsibility for, in helping to provide their basic needs of life, fits in this first dimension. Of course, it’s important to take care of yourself and the basics of your life in order to survive, but this purpose should not be considered self-centred or selfish, rather self-sustaining. And you may also have work responsibilities that relate to family and loved ones.


If your highest Purpose Score, or one of your highest, is in this 1st dimension, then generating a paycheck, making a salary, and receiving whatever financial and other benefits from your employer are particularly important to you. 

Because it is a foundational motivation to why most of us have a job and go to work in the first place, the 1st dimension is often one of the highest scores. Earning a living can often trump other motivations for working, such as applying your skills, making friends, excelling at your job, leading others, or contributing to a cause greater than yourself.  Indeed for you it may be the only reason to be working. It totally depends on your own life circumstances.

There can be certain jobs, and times in your life, when all you’re really concerned about is getting a job, doing the work, earning that paycheck, and getting on with other aspects of your life. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It’s important for you and your employer to recognize this as your main motivation for working so that everyone’s expectations can be properly managed.


Despite the importance of financial compensation, you may have additional motivations for working beyond money for the simple reason that work often helps you be a fuller expression of your true self in the world. 

If your Survival Purpose is being fulfilled at work, then you might want to look at other dimensions where you had a high score to see what other motivations are important to you in your worklife. It’s often the top two or three scores that will give you insight and clarity into YourWHY@Work.

Remember, this is just a snapshot in time, representing how you’re feeling right now about WHY you’re working.

You may have some personal issues or health considerations that keep your purpose firmly in this dimension. Of course, your survival most come first and your employer will honour that. But once you have your basic survival needs covered, you may be wondering how to gain greater satisfaction from your worklife. If you’re interested in growing or developing yourself at work, take a look at the characteristics of the higher dimensions to guide you and inspire a new way forward.

There are always opportunities to be more engaged at work and expand the possibilities for a more meaningful worklife, either with your current employer or a new one.

This is something for you to reflect upon.

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