Overcoming the #1 Fear of aging : Physical & Mental Decline
#1 of the six most common fears of aging for women
Physical and mental decline is probably the greatest fear we face as we age. And why wouldn’t it be? Let’s face it. Without our health, nothing really matters.
We know that all the money in the world cannot buy good health. No matter our level of success, no matter our material wealth; without our health, none of it matters. No wonder we’re scared about what happens as we get older.
But there is a way to overcome this fear and I’m going to share the secret with you …
It’s more than being proactive
Yes, aging brings an onslaught of undesirable changes, and I do not intend to try and diminish its effect on your muscles, bones, joints and brain. But you can certainly be proactive by taking care of yourself in the best way possible. There’s no doubt that good nutrition, exercise, and sleep can help preserve your health. But if that’s all you do, it’s probably not enough.
Unsurprisingly, our physical condition is greatly influenced by our mental condition. If you’re afraid of declining health, you may well be fulfilling your own prophecy. So another way to ease your journey into midlife is to shift your mindset.
You think that’s a difficult thing to do? Well it’s not.
Face it and turn it around
The best way to overcome your fear of physical and mental decline is to face it, turn it around, and love the very thing you’re afraid of.
You think I’m crazy for saying so? Well, that’s what I’ve done with my poor arthritic knees and my lungs that won’t let me run anymore. And it’s made all the difference in my life.
Instead of hating my knees and lungs for slowing me down, I decided to love them.
In fact every day, I give them gratitude for getting me to where I am now and for putting up with all the abuse I’ve given them over the years.
But more than that, I’ve learned to forgive them for what they’ve become and to love them for what they can still do!
By loving them exactly the way they are, I look after them and support them to be the best they can be. You can do that too! Consciously turn your negative thoughts into love and appreciation.
Why is it so easy to love a newborn baby who is helpless and without strength or mental acuity? And yet as we age, we beat ourselves up for feeling weak or for not remembering things.
Why is it so easy to give such love and tender care to a child who’s hurt her knees, and yet so hard to love this older woman whose knees hurt?
So here’s the secret …
As you age you need to give yourself the same unconditional love you’d give to a small child. Your body and mind deserve no less.
Whichever parts of you may not be as strong and flexible as they used to be, they are still in need of your tender loving care. Don’t get frustrated with joints that hurt or eyes that don’t see so well. Instead, thank them daily for the service they’ve provided you and promise them that you will look after them in the years ahead. They will only serve you better if you accept and love them unconditionally.
Unconditional self love is about loving all of yourself – inside and out.
So if you really want to transform your fear of physical and mental decline, start by loving all your body parts and support them to be the best they can be. They deserve it and so do you.
~ Charlie
Check out our FREE Midlife Rethink to help you overcome the six fears of aging.
We’re going to confront another fear of aging – losing our looks – in my next post.
Don’t start crying yet!