Many women over 50 are afraid of aging. Why?

The largest group of women in history has now reached midlife and frankly, many of us are worried about what the next chapter has in store for us. 

These are unsettling times as we look ahead and perhaps realize we are changing in ways we’d rather not. As we see the clock ticking, entering midlife causes many of us a huge amount of anxiety. 

Whether you’re an empty-nester, divorced, changing jobs, looking after aging parents or considering retirement, you may well be afraid of what the next chapter might bring.

Midlife is a time of transition - a time to rethink and reframe your future. It’s time to confront your fears and chart a more positive way forward.

If attitude is everything, it’s truer now than it ever was. Let’s face it, we’re all getting older all the time. We have no choice in the matter. But we do have a choice about how we feel about ourselves in the aging process.

So, what is it about aging that we’re afraid of?  

I have spent hours coaching women grappling with midlife and fearful of the downhill slope they see before them. 

Some are disappointed with unfulfilled expectations, broken hearts, or missed opportunities. Others are still successful in business, busy with family or travelling the world. No matter their current circumstances, they are all facing the common fear of aging.

Through heart-opening conversations, I have come to see that it doesn’t matter what any of them are ‘doing’ in life – it’s what they are ‘feeling’ that’s holding them back from embracing what are possibly the best years of their lives. 

The 6 most common fears of aging

Beyond financial worries, these are the 6 most common fears for women heading into midlife:

  1. Physical and mental decline

  2. Losing your looks

  3. Being alone

  4. Losing your identity

  5. Not having a purpose

  6. Dying

Any of these fears sound familiar to you? Maybe all of them? 

It’s time for a Midlife Rethink

We’re introducing a series of six insights to help you rethink your midlife, confronting each of these six fears, one at a time. We’re going to help you overcome each one by naming it, calling it out, and finding a new way to frame it.

We want to help change your mind and create the space for acceptance and self-love so that you can embrace the next chapter as your best years yet.

Check out our FREE Midlife Rethink to help you overcome your fear of aging.

Watch for our next Insight coming soon .. !


Overcoming the #1 Fear of aging : Physical & Mental Decline


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