Your WHY @ Work™ Report
Congratulations on completing YourWHY@Work™ self-assessment!
Why this assessment?
Research conducted by cognitive scientists, psychologists and even philosophers suggest that the happiest and most fulfilled people are those who understand and pursue their purpose in life. Such people are best able to deal with the challenges and changes of life with a clear sense of direction, resilience, courage, and peace of mind.
Purpose in life as it relates to work is a significant part of a life well-lived for many. A review of your scores in your self assessment will provide a basic sense of what motivates you and what is meaningful to you, providing real insight into your purpose at work.
Your self-assessment takes a look at the reasons why you work and how you feel about working where you do. The assessment focuses on:
Your understanding of what’s important to you personally in your worklife (your purpose for working).
Your perspective on how well you think the organization you work for is demonstrating their own purpose (why they exist and do what they do) and how well it supports your own reasons for working there.
Limitations of this assessment
YourWHY@Work assessment is a “moment-in-time” look at what’s important to you right now in your worklife. The assessment is not a career planning or workplace decision-making guide. The focus is on how you feel overall about your worklife right now to see what’s working for you, and what’s not working so well.
What the assessment can do is help you better understand and articulate your reasons for working—YourWHY@Work. The information is useful as you consider your current relationship to work and its role in a healthy work/life balance.
About your report
Your assessment scores can be found in the email you received from YourWhy@Work. The title of the email is “Your Self-Assessment Results”.
Understanding your results is what this report is about. It requires that you engage in self-reflection about the reasons you work and why you work where you do. It also provides the conceptual framework upon which your assessment is based and indicates the various motivations that compel you to work.
This report is divided into four parts: