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It’s time for a heart-to-heart
“If only I had some time to myself! Sound familiar? Are you wondering how to cope with all the things you have to do? Are you thinking you need more time for yourself? Or, like me, are you too busy to even think about that?
I gather this happens to a lot of us - getting stuck in the weeds of our daily life, trying to keep up while pleasing everyone, tackling our to-do list, and never really lifting our faces to notice the beautiful clouds passing by. Instead of listening to your inner sage, your intuition, you’re probably just running from one thing to the next to the next.
So listen up! Here’s some advice from my heart to yours …
Matching what’s important with reality
Balancing what’s important on the inside—in our hearts and minds—with our understanding of the world outside is no easy task. We might deceive ourselves as to what really matters or what’s relevant to us – or maybe we just don’t know.
We also might be deceiving ourselves about the reality of the world around us. Sometimes we put blinders on or wish things weren’t the way they are.
What about your life? What aspects of your world don’t match up?
How to cope with uncertainty in these uncertain times
If you, or I, or anyone ever felt life was certain, we were fooling ourselves. And yet, certainty still seems to be something many of us crave.
Uncertainty is fear of the unknown, the unpredictable, experiencing doubt about the future. For some this causes anxiety and stress. For others, they turn to Tarot cards to try and see ahead. So, how do we deal with this lack of certainty? How do we reduce our level of worry and concern?