It’s time for a heart-to-heart

Heart to heart

OK, I have to admit it – I’m tired. I’m tired because I need to keep moving forward, but I’m so busy I don’t even have time to think. 

“If only I had time to myself!”

Sound familiar? Are you wondering how to cope with all the things you have to do? Are you also thinking you need more time for yourself?  Or, like me, are you too busy to even think about that? 

I gather this happens to a lot of us. We say we want to move forward or make changes – but seem to get stuck in the weeds of our daily life, trying to keep up while pleasing everyone, tackling our to-do list, and never really lifting our faces to smell the fresh air and notice the clouds passing by. 

For the past year I’ve been super busy shaping my business, coming up with ideas to grow my client base (despite Covid), figuring out how to evolve our content and heighten the impact for participants. 

Of course, most of this effort and angst has been going on in my head while carrying on with the daily doings of life.

At some point this sizzling summer as the pandemic continued to muzzle our sense of freedom, I started to realize that I've been so busy thinking and doing that I'd forgotten to take care of myself, specifically my heart!   

Instead of listening to my intuition, and allowing myself time to just sit – I really mean – just sit, I run from one thing to the next to the next. While I'm not feeling frantic or particularly stressed, I have this kind of low-grade anxiety that pervades every waking thought, and even when I'm trying to sleep!

Ironically, when coaching clients, I often include a dose of self-care. I encourage them to listen to their heart. So how on earth can I coach someone to be the best they can be when I'm not heeding my own coaching! I’d forgotten to listen to my own heart. 

So, I want to take a few minutes and have a heart-to-heart with you about taking care of ourselves!

Here’s some advice from my heart … 

1. Stop trying to please everyone. Start with pleasing yourself. Instead of thinking success will make you happy, know that you’re more likely to succeed if you’re happy first. Make time to lighten up, look up at the sky and smile at the little girl/boy inside of you who wants to come out and play in the sunshine. 

2. Check-in with your higher self every morning. Before you get out of bed name one thing that you love about yourself. Don't just ‘think’ about this, listen to your heart. Listen to your intuition, not your inner critic. Come from the heart, not the mind. Then choose which one is going to rule your day.

3.  Stop trying to 'get it right!' Perfectionism can ruin the day. Or worse still, the fear of not getting it right might prevent you from trying anything in the first place! The best approach is to take consistent messy imperfect action - I know it's a tough thing to do, but it's a sure-fire way to learn and grow.

We all have that little voice, our inner saboteur, telling us we’re not good enough, or smart enough, or wealthy enough – but choosing to listen to your higher self, your inner sage, will reconnect you with what really matters – your heart!  

So let us both listen carefully to these wise words. (I hope your inner sage is reading this – not your inner saboteur!) 

To make the kind of difference you want to make in the world, you must make time for yourself every single day, to care for your inner self and listen to your heart.

~ Charlie James, CEO & Co-Founder, Greater Meaning

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